N e w H o p e A c a d e m y
o f T e n n e s s e e
Private Christian School & Resource Center
"We help you homeschool"
Book-based and Online Programs
Actually, it's not about us,
"We help you homeschool."

New Hope Academy of TN (NHAT) is a private, Christian school, catering to the needs of homeschooling families. As a Category IV, church-related school, it is our mission to help you successfully homeschool your child or children.
We work with both new and seasoned homeschoolers. New homeschoolers often have many questions that we are glad to answer. We help them get started on their new educational journey and provide directions and assistance along the way. The needs of seasoned homeschoolers, with years of experience and a treasure trove of information and knowledge, may be more directed toward specific issues. For both groups, we are here as an umbrella school and resource center to help you meet state requirements and achieve a quality, well-documented educational outcome for your children.
We help in a plethora of ways including state compliance, educational oversight, standardized testing, documentation, meeting high school graduation requirements, providing quality transcripts and diplomas, and much more. Our well-trained staff has more than 30 years of homeschool experience, and each member has homeschooled their own children. In turn, we pass along what we have learned and encourage parents in their endeavors.
Since 2009, we have graduated more than 600 seniors and have watched them launch into adulthood. Our graduates attend many colleges across the country, serve in the military, and are active public servants. It has been our pleasure to be a part of their educational journey and assist them and their parents.
It is our goal to help you homeschool with excellence.
How We Help You Homeschool
New Hope Academy of Tennessee (NHAT) is a private, Christian school, catering to the needs of homeschooling families. As a Category IV, church-related school, we offer many services to homeschoolers.
Helpful Staff:
Our staff is friendly and helpful
Many years of experience
Open Enrollment: Grades K-12
Meet state requirements
Easy Transfer: simple and quick
Reasonable Fees
Record-Keeping We keep your student's records and transcript
New Homeschoolers: We answer your questions and help you get started
Seasoned Homeschoolers: We provide umbrella coverage and assistance
Consultations: upon request
Individual Assistance: in office and virtually
Standardized Testing: proctored test lab and score explanation
Curriculum Information
Educational Options: online classes and book-based option
NHAT Online Program and Classes: well- established, quick, easy transition
Grades 3-12
Staff sets up classes to meet your schedule
Year-long for elementary and middle grades
Block schedule option for high school students
High School Graduation Plan: designed for each high school student
Official transcripts and diplomas for graduates
Graduation ceremony optional for seniors
College Preparation: testing, transcripts, scholarship information
Please contact us with any questions or if we may be of assistance to you.