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N e w   H o p e   A c a d e m y 
o f    T e n n e s s e e 

Private  Christian  School  &  Resource  Center
"We   help   you   homeschool"
Book-based   and   Online   Programs



New Family Enrollment 


Our new enrollment process is simpler and can be completed directly from our website.  




Two Options:  Choose the enrollment form button that applies to your student(s) 


  • New Enrollments

    • First time enrollments:  Students who have never been enrolled with NHAT.

    • New for a second time:  Previous student(s) that were enrolled elsewhere and plan to return to NHAT. (IE:  enrolled with NHAT, transferred back into public school, and plan to return to NHAT)

    • After submission:   After the form is submitted, we will contact you to assist with questions, details, or information

    • Fees:  After that, we will have opportunity to send an invoice.  

New Enrollment: 
Click Here


Returning Family Enrollment 



  • Re-enrollments:  Students returning to NHAT from previous year without enrollment interruption. (90% of students)

  • Fees:   Fees are calculated and paid upon submission.

  • After submission:  You may reach our staff at any time by email at

    • Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns and we will be glad to assist you.​



Start Here


Contacting NHAT Staff:


  • Curriculum:  If you need help choosing curriculum, please ask; we will be happy to assist you.

    • Send an email asking for help to​

    • We can only complete enrollment when all information is provided.


Re-Enrollment Form

Check any and all that apply to this student currently or during the past two years.
Check any and all of the following that pertains to the family or any resident of the household.
New Hope Academy
of Tennessee

4924-C  Fort Henry Dr. 

Kingsport, TN  37663

(Regency Square Bldg.)

Phone:  (423) 239-9700

Fax:      (423) 239-9300



©2009 New Hope Academy of Tennessee

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