N e w H o p e A c a d e m y
o f T e n n e s s e e
Private Christian School & Resource Center
"We help you homeschool"
Book-based and Online Programs
New Family Enrollment
Our new enrollment process is simpler and can be completed directly from our website.
Two Options: Choose the enrollment form button that applies to your student(s).
New Enrollments:
First time enrollments: Students who have never been enrolled with NHAT.
New for a second time: Previous student(s) that were enrolled elsewhere and plan to return to NHAT. (IE: enrolled with NHAT, transferred back into public school, and plan to return to NHAT)
After submission: After the form is submitted, we will contact you to assist with questions, details, or information.
Fees: After that, we will have opportunity to send an invoice.
Call office at (423) 239-9700 for more information.
New Enrollment:
Click Here
Returning Family Enrollment
Re-enrollments: Students returning to NHAT from previous year without enrollment interruption. (90% of students)
Fees: Fees are calculated and paid upon submission.
After submission: You may reach our staff at any time by email at NHAEnrollment@gmail.com
Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns and we will be glad to assist you.​
Start Here
Contacting NHAT Staff:
Email us directly at NHAEnrollment@gmail.com and we will be glad to assist you.
Curriculum: If you need help choosing curriculum, please ask; we will be happy to assist you.
Send an email asking for help to NHAEnrollment@gmail.com​
We can only complete enrollment when all information is provided.